Thursday, 4 April 2013

Buried at Flaybrick Cemetery, Birkenhead, Cheshire: No. 2 - the Smiths

This is the second of three items on this site about the Gypsy monuments visited by the Gypsiologist Robert Scott Macfie on 11 October 1909 at Flaybrick Cemetery in Birkenhead, Cheshire. He saw this one commemorating the Smiths, another for the Chilcot/ts and one for Mackenzie Boswell.

Here’s part of the inscription Scott Macfie took from the Smith tomb, now preserved in a document at the Gypsy Collections at the University of Liverpool Library: To the memory of | Elizabeth Smith | who died 5th January 1883 Aged 76 years  Charles Henry Smith | Born January 20th 1864 Departed this life January 12th 1897 [Here Scott Macfie has sketched a freemason's mark that he saw cut into the stone] Also of Frederick Grandson of Elizabeth Smith | who died at Douglas, Isle of Man, 12th Septr 1889 | Aged 23 and is here interred. Robert Scott Macfie wrote: “This grave is exactly similar  [to the Chilcott grave], and is next to it.”  The description of that tomb says: ”Table tomb with gable top on the surfaces of which the inscriptions are cut. Mounted on plinth: no railing. Quiet and tasteful monument without ostentation.”  Elizabeth Smith [B9 on the Borrow's Gypsies family tree elsewhere on this site] was the widow of Elijah Buckley. Charles Henry Smith [D40] and Frederick Smith [D41] were the sons of Elizabeth’s son George Smith [C12] and his wife Corlinda Lee.

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